Source code for httk.atomistic.structureutils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 
#    The high-throughput toolkit (httk)
#    Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Rickard Armiento
#    Some parts imported from cif2cell, (C) Torbjörn Björkman 
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
import sys

from httk.core import is_sequence, breath_first_idxs, FracVector, FracScalar, MutableFracVector
from cell import Cell
from unitcellsites import UnitcellSites
import spacegrouputils
from math import sqrt, acos, cos, sin, pi
from data import periodictable
from fractions import Fraction
from httk.atomistic.spacegrouputils import crystal_system_from_hall

[docs]def sort_coordgroups(coordgroups, individual_data): counts = [len(x) for x in coordgroups] newcoordgroups = [] newindividual_data = [] for group in range(len(counts)): order = sorted(range(counts[group]), key=lambda x: (coordgroups[group][x][0], coordgroups[group][x][1], coordgroups[group][x][2])) newcoordgroups.append(coordgroups[group][order]) if individual_data is not None: newindividual_data.append([individual_data[group][i] for i in order]) if individual_data is None: return coordgroups.stack(newcoordgroups), newindividual_data else: return coordgroups.stack(newcoordgroups), None
[docs]def niggli_to_metric(niggli): m = niggli.noms # Since the niggli matrix contains 2*the product of the off diagonal elements, we increase the denominator by cell.denom*2 return FracVector(((2*m[0][0], m[1][2], m[1][1]), (m[1][2], 2*m[0][1], m[1][0]), (m[1][1], m[1][0], 2*m[0][2])), niggli.denom*2).simplify()
[docs]def metric_to_niggli(cell): m = cell.noms return FracVector(((m[0][0], m[1][1], m[2][2]), (2*m[1][2], 2*m[0][2], 2*m[0][1])), cell.denom).simplify()
[docs]def coords_and_occupancies_to_coordgroups_and_assignments(coords, occupancies): if len(occupancies) != len(coords): raise Exception("Occupations and coords needs to be of the same length.") if len(occupancies) == 0: return [], FracVector((), 1) coordgroups = [] group_occupancies = [] for i in range(len(occupancies)): try: idx = group_occupancies.index(occupancies[i]) except ValueError: idx = len(group_occupancies) group_occupancies.append(occupancies[i]) coordgroups.append([]) coordgroups[idx].append(coords[i]) return coordgroups, group_occupancies
[docs]def coords_to_coordgroups(coords, counts): coordgroups = [] idx = 0 for count in counts: coordgroups.append(coords[idx:count+idx]) idx += count return coordgroups
[docs]def coordgroups_to_coords(coordgroups): coords = [] counts = [len(x) for x in coordgroups] for group in coordgroups: for i in range(len(group)): coords.append(group[i]) coords = FracVector.stack_vecs(coords) return coords, counts
[docs]def niggli_to_cell_old(niggli_matrix, orientation=1): cell = FracVector.use(niggli_matrix) niggli_matrix = niggli_matrix.to_floats() s11, s22, s33 = niggli_matrix[0][0], niggli_matrix[0][1], niggli_matrix[0][2] s23, s13, s12 = niggli_matrix[1][0]/2.0, niggli_matrix[1][1]/2.0, niggli_matrix[1][2]/2.0 a, b, c = sqrt(s11), sqrt(s22), sqrt(s33) alpha_rad, beta_rad, gamma_rad = acos(s23/(b*c)), acos(s13/(c*a)), acos(s12/(a*b)) iv = 1-cos(alpha_rad)**2-cos(beta_rad)**2-cos(gamma_rad)**2+2*cos(alpha_rad)*cos(beta_rad)*cos(gamma_rad) # Handle that iv may be very, very slightly < 0 by the floating point accuracy limit if iv > 0: v = sqrt(iv) else: v = 0.0 if c*v < 1e-14: raise Exception("niggli_to_cell: Physically unreasonable cell, cell vectors degenerate or very close to degenerate.") if orientation < 0: cell = [[-a, 0.0, 0.0], [-b*cos(gamma_rad), -b*sin(gamma_rad), 0.0], [-c*cos(beta_rad), -c*(cos(alpha_rad)-cos(beta_rad)*cos(gamma_rad))/sin(gamma_rad), -c*v/sin(gamma_rad)]] else: cell = [[a, 0.0, 0.0], [b*cos(gamma_rad), b*sin(gamma_rad), 0.0], [c*cos(beta_rad), c*(cos(alpha_rad)-cos(beta_rad)*cos(gamma_rad))/sin(gamma_rad), c*v/sin(gamma_rad)]] for i in range(3): for j in range(3): cell[i][j] = round(cell[i][j], 14) return cell
[docs]def niggli_to_basis(niggli_matrix, orientation=1): #cell = FracVector.use(niggli_matrix) niggli_matrix = niggli_matrix.to_floats() s11, s22, s33 = niggli_matrix[0][0], niggli_matrix[0][1], niggli_matrix[0][2] s23, s13, s12 = niggli_matrix[1][0]/2.0, niggli_matrix[1][1]/2.0, niggli_matrix[1][2]/2.0 a, b, c = sqrt(s11), sqrt(s22), sqrt(s33) alpha_rad, beta_rad, gamma_rad = acos(s23/(b*c)), acos(s13/(c*a)), acos(s12/(a*b)) iv = 1-cos(alpha_rad)**2-cos(beta_rad)**2-cos(gamma_rad)**2+2*cos(alpha_rad)*cos(beta_rad)*cos(gamma_rad) # Handle that iv may be very, very slightly < 0 by the floating point accuracy limit if iv > 0: v = sqrt(iv) else: v = 0.0 if c*v < 1e-14: raise Exception("niggli_to_cell: Physically unreasonable cell, cell vectors degenerate or very close to degenerate.") if orientation < 0: basis = [[-a, 0.0, 0.0], [-b*cos(gamma_rad), -b*sin(gamma_rad), 0.0], [-c*cos(beta_rad), -c*(cos(alpha_rad)-cos(beta_rad)*cos(gamma_rad))/sin(gamma_rad), -c*v/sin(gamma_rad)]] else: basis = [[a, 0.0, 0.0], [b*cos(gamma_rad), b*sin(gamma_rad), 0.0], [c*cos(beta_rad), c*(cos(alpha_rad)-cos(beta_rad)*cos(gamma_rad))/sin(gamma_rad), c*v/sin(gamma_rad)]] for i in range(3): for j in range(3): basis[i][j] = round(basis[i][j], 14) return basis
[docs]def basis_to_niggli(basis): basis = FracVector.use(basis) A = basis.noms det = basis.det() if det == 0: raise Exception("basis_to_niggli: singular cell matrix.") if det > 0: orientation = 1 else: orientation = -1 s11 = A[0][0]*A[0][0]+A[0][1]*A[0][1]+A[0][2]*A[0][2] s22 = A[1][0]*A[1][0]+A[1][1]*A[1][1]+A[1][2]*A[1][2] s33 = A[2][0]*A[2][0]+A[2][1]*A[2][1]+A[2][2]*A[2][2] s23 = A[1][0]*A[2][0]+A[1][1]*A[2][1]+A[1][2]*A[2][2] s13 = A[0][0]*A[2][0]+A[0][1]*A[2][1]+A[0][2]*A[2][2] s12 = A[0][0]*A[1][0]+A[0][1]*A[1][1]+A[0][2]*A[1][2] new = FracVector.create(((s11, s22, s33), (2*s23, 2*s13, 2*s12)), denom=basis.denom**2).simplify() return new, orientation
[docs]def basis_determinant(basis): try: return basis.det() except AttributeError: C = basis det = C[0][0]*C[1][1]*C[2][2] + C[0][1]*C[1][2]*C[2][0] + C[0][2]*C[1][0]*C[2][1] - C[0][2]*C[1][1]*C[2][0] - C[0][1]*C[1][0]*C[2][2] - C[0][0]*C[1][2]*C[2][1] return det
[docs]def basis_vol_to_scale(basis, vol): det = float(basis_determinant(basis)) if abs(det) < 1e-12: raise Exception("basis_to_niggli: Too singular cell matrix.") return (float(vol)/(abs(det)))**(1.0/3.0)
[docs]def basis_scale_to_vol(basis, scale): det = float(basis_determinant(basis)) if abs(det) < 1e-12: raise Exception("basis_to_niggli: Too singular cell matrix.") return (((scale)**3)*(abs(det)))
[docs]def niggli_vol_to_scale(niggli_matrix, vol): niggli_matrix = FracVector.use(niggli_matrix) metric = niggli_to_metric(niggli_matrix) volsqr = metric.det() if volsqr == 0: raise Exception("niggli_vol_to_scale: singular cell matrix.") det = sqrt(float(volsqr)) return (float(vol)/det)**(1.0/3.0)
[docs]def niggli_scale_to_vol(niggli_matrix, scale): niggli_matrix = FracVector.use(niggli_matrix) metric = niggli_to_metric(niggli_matrix) volsqr = metric.det() if volsqr == 0: raise Exception("niggli_vol_to_scale: singular cell matrix.") det = sqrt(float(volsqr)) if abs(det) < 1e-12: raise Exception("niggli_scale_to_vol: singular cell matrix.") return (((scale)**3)*det)
[docs]def niggli_to_lengths_angles(niggli_matrix): s11, s22, s33 = niggli_matrix[0][0], niggli_matrix[0][1], niggli_matrix[0][2] s23, s13, s12 = niggli_matrix[1][0]/2.0, niggli_matrix[1][1]/2.0, niggli_matrix[1][2]/2.0 a, b, c = sqrt(s11), sqrt(s22), sqrt(s33) alpha, beta, gamma = acos(s23/(b*c))*180/pi, acos(s13/(c*a))*180/pi, acos(s12/(a*b))*180/pi return [a, b, c], [alpha, beta, gamma]
[docs]def lengths_angles_to_niggli(lengths, angles): niggli_matrix = [[None, None, None], [None, None, None]] niggli_matrix[0][0] = lengths[0]*lengths[0] niggli_matrix[0][1] = lengths[1]*lengths[1] niggli_matrix[0][2] = lengths[2]*lengths[2] niggli_matrix[1][0] = 2.0*lengths[1]*lengths[2]*cos(angles[0]*pi/180) niggli_matrix[1][1] = 2.0*lengths[0]*lengths[2]*cos(angles[1]*pi/180) niggli_matrix[1][2] = 2.0*lengths[0]*lengths[1]*cos(angles[2]*pi/180) return niggli_matrix
[docs]def cartesian_to_reduced(cell, coordgroups): cell = FracVector.use(cell) cellinv = cell.inv() newcoordgroups = [] for coordgroup in coordgroups: newcoordgroup = coordgroup*cellinv newcoordgroups.append(newcoordgroup) return newcoordgroups
[docs]def structure_to_p1structure(struct, backends=['ase']): for backend in backends: if backend == 'ase': try: from httk.external import ase_ext return ase_ext.structure_to_p1structure(struct) except ImportError: raise pass raise Exception("structure_to_p1structure: None of the available backends available.")
[docs]def structure_to_sgstructure(struct, backends=['platon']): for backend in backends: if backend == 'platon': try: from httk.external import platon return platon.structure_to_sgstructure(struct) except ImportError: pass raise Exception("structure_to_sgstructure: None of the available backends available.")
[docs]def reduced_to_cartesian(cell, coordgroups): cell = FracVector.use(cell) newcoordgroups = [] for coordgroup in coordgroups: newcoordgroup = coordgroup*cell newcoordgroups.append(newcoordgroup) return newcoordgroups
[docs]def normalized_formula_parts(assignments, ratios, counts): formula = {} alloccs = {} maxc = 0 for i in range(len(counts)): assignment = assignments[i] ratio = ratios[i] if is_sequence(assignment): if len(assignment) == 1: assignment = assignment[0] ratio = ratio[0] occ = ratio else: assignment = tuple([(x, FracVector.use(y)) for x, y in zip(assignment, ratio)]) occ = 1 else: occ = ratio if not assignment in formula: formula[assignment] = FracVector.create(0) alloccs[assignment] = FracVector.create(0) formula[assignment] += FracVector.create(occ*counts[i]) alloccs[assignment] += FracVector.create(counts[i]) if alloccs[assignment] > maxc: maxc = alloccs[assignment] alloccs = FracVector.create(alloccs.values()) alloccs = (alloccs/maxc).simplify() for symbol in formula.keys(): formula[symbol] = (formula[symbol]*alloccs.denom/maxc).simplify() # if abs(value-int(value))<1e-6: # formula[symbol] = int(value) # elif int(100*(value-(int(value)))) > 1: # formula[symbol] = float("%d.%.2e" % (value, 100*(value-(int(value))))) # else: # formula[symbol] = float("%d" % (value,)) return formula
[docs]def normalized_formula(assignments, ratios, counts): formula = normalized_formula_parts(assignments, ratios, counts) normalized_formula = "" for key in sorted(formula.iterkeys()): if is_sequence(formula[key]): totval = sum(formula[key]) else: totval = formula[key] totval = totval.set_denominator(100).simplify() if totval.denom == 1: if totval == 1: if is_sequence(key): normalized_formula += "(" for subkey in key: if is_sequence(subkey): # normalized_formula += "".join([("%s%d.%02d"%(x[0],x[1].floor(),(x[1]-x[1].floor())*100.floor())) for x in subkey]) normalized_formula += "%s%d.%02d" % (subkey[0], subkey[1].floor(), ((subkey[1]-subkey[1].floor())*100).floor()) else: normalized_formula += "%s" % (subkey,) normalized_formula += ")" else: normalized_formula += "%s" % (key,) #if is_sequence(xval): # totval = sum(xval) #else: # totval = xval #if len(xval)>1: #normalized_formula += "%s" % (key,) + "(" + ",".join([("%d" % x.floor()) for x in xval]) + ")" #else: # normalized_formula += "%s%d" % (key, xval[0].floor()) else: if is_sequence(key): normalized_formula += "(" for subkey in key: if is_sequence(subkey): # normalized_formula += "".join([("%s%d.%02d"%(x[0],x[1].floor(),(x[1]-x[1].floor())*100.floor())) for x in subkey]) normalized_formula += "%s%d.%02d" % (subkey[0], subkey[1].floor(), ((subkey[1]-subkey[1].floor())*100).floor()) else: normalized_formula += "%s" % (subkey,) normalized_formula += ")%d" % (totval,) # normalized_formula += "(" + "".join(["%s%d" % (x,y.floor()) for x,y in zip(key,totval)]) + ")" else: normalized_formula += "%s%d" % (key, totval.floor()) else: #if len(xval)>1: # normalized_formula += "(" + ",".join([("%d.%02d" % (x.floor(),((x-x.floor())*100).floor())) for x in xval]) + ")" #else: # normalized_formula += "%s%d.%02d" % (key, xval[0].floor(),((xval[0]-xval[0].floor())*100).floor()) #else: #normalized_formula += "%s%d.%02d" % (key, xval.floor(),((xval-xval.floor())*100).floor()) if is_sequence(key): normalized_formula += "(" for subkey in key: if is_sequence(subkey): # normalized_formula += "".join([("%s%d.%02d"%(x[0],x[1].floor(),(x[1]-x[1].floor())*100.floor())) for x in subkey]) normalized_formula += "%s%d.%02d" % (subkey[0], subkey[1].floor(), ((subkey[1]-subkey[1].floor())*100).floor()) else: normalized_formula += "%s" % (subkey,) normalized_formula += ")%d.%02d" % (totval, ((totval-totval.floor())*100).floor()) # normalized_formula += "("+ "".join(["%s%d.%02d" % (x, y.floor(),((y-y.floor())*100).floor()) for x,y in zip(key,totval)]) + ")" else: normalized_formula += "%s%d.%02d" % (key, totval.floor(), ((totval-totval.floor())*100).floor()) return normalized_formula
[docs]def abstract_symbol(count): if count < 27: return chr(64+count) my = (count-1) % 26 rec = (count-1) // 26 return abstract_symbol(rec)+chr(97+my)
[docs]def abstract_formula(filled_counts): formula = normalized_formula_parts(range(len(filled_counts)), [1]*len(filled_counts), filled_counts) idx = 0 abstract_formula = "" for val in sorted(formula.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]): idx += 1 c = abstract_symbol(idx) xval = val[1].set_denominator(100).simplify() if xval.denom == 1: if xval == 1: abstract_formula += "%s" % (c,) else: abstract_formula += "%s%d" % (c, xval.floor()) else: abstract_formula += "%s%d.%02d" % (c, xval.floor(), ((xval-xval.floor())*100).floor()) #abstract_formula += "%s%g" % (c,val[1]) return abstract_formula
[docs]def prototype_formula(proto): sorted_counts = sorted(proto.counts) fake_assignments = [((x, 1),) for x in range(len(sorted_counts))] formula = normalized_formula_parts(fake_assignments, sorted_counts) idx = 0 abstract_formula = "" for val in sorted(formula.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]): idx += 1 c = abstract_symbol(idx) xval = val[1].set_denominator(100).simplify() if xval.denom == 1: if xval == 1: abstract_formula += "%s" % (c,) else: abstract_formula += "%s%d" % (c, xval.floor()) else: abstract_formula += "%s%d.%02d" % (c, xval.floor(), ((xval-xval.floor())*100).floor()) #abstract_formula += "%s%g" % (c,val[1]) return abstract_formula
# def parse_assignment(assignment): # if isinstance(assignment,(tuple,list)): # if len(assignment)>=3: # return FracVector.use(assignment[2]) # return FracVector.use(assignment[1]) # return FracVector.create(1) #def assignments_tidy(assignments): # newassignments=[] # for assignment in assignments: # newassignments.append((periodictable.atomic_symbol(assignment),periodictable.atomic_number(assignment),parse_assignment(assignment),)) # return tuple(newassignments)
[docs]def coordgroups_cartesian_to_reduced(coordgroups, basis): basis = FracVector.use(basis) cellinv = basis.inv() newcoordgroups = [] for coordgroup in coordgroups: newcoordgroup = coordgroup*cellinv newcoordgroups.append(newcoordgroup) return newcoordgroups
[docs]def coords_and_counts_to_coordgroups(coords, counts): coordgroups = [] idx = 0 for count in counts: coordgroups.append(coords[idx:count+idx]) idx += count return coordgroups
[docs]def coordgroups_and_assignments_to_coords_and_occupancies(coordgroups, assignments): coords = coordgroups_to_coords(coordgroups) occupancies = [] for i in range(len(coordgroups)): occupancies += [assignments[i]]*len(coordgroups[i]) return coords, occupancies
[docs]def structure_reduced_uc_to_representative(struct, backends=['isotropy', 'fake']): for backend in backends: if backend == 'isotropy': try: from httk.external import isotropy_ext sys.stderr.write("Warning: need to run symmetry finder. This may take a while.\n") struct = isotropy_ext.struct_process_with_isotropy(struct) return struct except ImportError: pass if backend == 'fake': try: from httk.atomistic import Structure sys.stderr.write("Warning: using 'fake' symmetry finder that never finds any symmetry.\n") newstruct = Structure.create( assignments=struct.assignments, rc_cell=struct.uc_cell, rc_reduced_coords=struct.uc_reduced_coords, rc_counts=struct.uc_counts, uc_cell=struct.uc_cell, uc_reduced_coords=struct.uc_reduced_coords, uc_counts=struct.uc_counts, spacegroup='P 1', tags=struct.get_tags(), refs=struct.get_refs(), periodicity=struct.uc_sites.pbc) return newstruct except ImportError: raise pass raise Exception("structure_to_sgstructure: None of the available backends available.")
[docs]def coordgroups_reduced_uc_to_representative(coordgroups, basis, backends=['isotropy']): sys.stderr.write("WARNING: coordgroups_reduced_uc_to_representative: running untested code...\n") for backend in backends: if backend == 'isotropy': try: from httk.external import isotropy_ext struct = isotropy_ext.uc_reduced_coordgroups_process_with_isotropy(coordgroups, basis) return struct except ImportError: raise pass #if backend == 'platon': # try: # from httk.external import platon_ext # return platon_ext.coordgroups_reduced_uc_to_representative(coordgroups, basis, hall_symbol) # except ImportError: # raise # pass raise Exception("structure_to_sgstructure: None of the available backends available.")
[docs]def internal_coordgroups_reduced_rc_to_unitcellsites(coordgroups, basis, hall_symbol, eps=0.001): symops = spacegrouputils.get_symops(hall_symbol) newcoordgroups = [] for coordgroup in coordgroups: newcoordgroup = [] for symop in symops: rotcoords = coordgroup*(symop[0].T()) for coord in rotcoords: finalcoord = (coord+symop[1]).normalize() if finalcoord not in newcoordgroup: for checkcoord in newcoordgroup: if (checkcoord-finalcoord).normalize_half().lengthsqr() < eps: break else: newcoordgroup += [finalcoord] newcoordgroup = sorted(newcoordgroup, key=lambda x: (x[0], x[1], x[2])) newcoordgroups += [newcoordgroup] return newcoordgroups, basis
[docs]def coordgroups_reduced_rc_to_unitcellsites(coordgroups, basis, hall_symbol, backends=['cif2cell', 'internal', 'ase']): # TODO: Make own, or use cif2cell to generate reduced unitcell if hall_symbol == 'P 1': return UnitcellSites.create(reduced_coordgroups=coordgroups), Cell.create(basis) for backend in backends: if backend == 'internal': newcoordgroups, newcell = internal_coordgroups_reduced_rc_to_unitcellsites(coordgroups, basis, hall_symbol) return UnitcellSites.create(reduced_coordgroups=newcoordgroups), Cell.create(basis) if backend == 'cif2cell': try: from httk.external import cif2cell_ext return cif2cell_ext.coordgroups_reduced_rc_to_unitcellsites(coordgroups, basis, hall_symbol) except ImportError: pass if backend == 'ase': try: from httk.external import ase_glue return ase_glue.coordgroups_reduced_rc_to_unitcellsites(coordgroups, basis, hall_symbol) except ImportError: raise pass raise Exception("structure_to_p1structure: None of the available backends available.")
[docs]def coordswap(fromidx, toidx, cell, coordgroups): new_coordgroups = [] for group in coordgroups: coords = MutableFracVector.from_FracVector(group) rows = coords[:, toidx] coords[:, toidx] = coords[:, fromidx] coords[:, fromidx] = rows new_coordgroups.append(coords.to_FracVector()) coordgroups = FracVector.create(new_coordgroups) cell = MutableFracVector.from_FracVector(cell) row = cell[toidx] cell[toidx] = cell[fromidx] cell[fromidx] = row cell = cell.to_FracVector() return (cell, coordgroups)
[docs]def clean_coordgroups_and_assignments(coordgroups, assignments): if len(assignments) != len(coordgroups): raise Exception("Occupations and coords needs to be of the same length.") if len(assignments) == 0: return [], FracVector((), 1) new_coordgroups = [] new_assignments = [] for i in range(len(assignments)): for j in range(len(new_assignments)): if assignments[i] == new_assignments[j]: idx = j new_coordgroups[idx] = FracVector.chain_vecs([new_coordgroups[idx], coordgroups[i]]) break else: new_coordgroups.append(coordgroups[i]) new_assignments.append(assignments[i]) idx = len(coordgroups)-1 return new_coordgroups, new_assignments
[docs]def occupations_and_coords_to_assignments_and_coordgroups(occupationscoords, occupations): if len(occupationscoords) == 0: return [], FracVector((), 1) occupationscoords = FracVector.use(occupationscoords) new_coordgroups = [] new_assignments = [] for i in range(len(occupations)): for j in range(len(new_assignments)): if occupations[i] == new_assignments[j]: new_coordgroups[j].append(occupationscoords[i]) break else: new_coordgroups.append([occupationscoords[i]]) new_assignments.append(occupations[i]) new_coordgroups = FracVector.create(new_coordgroups) return new_assignments, new_coordgroups
[docs]def coordgroups_and_assignments_to_symbols(coordgroups, assignmentobj): """ Return a list of atomic symbols, repeated as needed """ symbols = [] for i in range(len(coordgroups)): name = assignmentobj.symbols[i] symbols += [name]*len(coordgroups[i]) return symbols
[docs]def structure_tidy(struct, backends=['platon']): for backend in backends: if backend == 'platon': try: from httk.external import platon_ext return platon_ext.structure_tidy(struct) except ImportError: raise pass raise Exception("structure_tidy: None of the available backends available.")
[docs]def get_primitive_basis_transform(hall_symbol): """ Transform to be applied to conventional unit cell to give the primitive unit cell """ half = Fraction(1, 2) lattice_symbol = hall_symbol.lstrip("-")[0][0] crystal_system = crystal_system_from_hall(hall_symbol) lattrans = None unit = FracVector.create([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) if lattice_symbol == 'P': lattrans = unit elif crystal_system == 'cubic': if lattice_symbol == 'F': lattrans = FracVector.create([[half, half, 0], [half, 0, half], [0, half, half]]) elif lattice_symbol == 'I': lattrans = FracVector.create([[half, half, half], [-half, half, half], [-half, -half, half]]) elif crystal_system == 'hexagonal' or crystal_system == 'trigonal': if lattice_symbol == 'R': lattrans = unit elif crystal_system == 'tetragonal': if lattice_symbol == 'I': lattrans = FracVector.create([[half, -half, half], [half, half, half], [-half, -half, half]]) elif crystal_system == 'orthorhombic': if lattice_symbol == 'A': lattrans = FracVector.create([[1, 0, 0], [0, half, half], [0, -half, half]]) elif lattice_symbol == 'B': lattrans = FracVector.create([[half, 0, half], [0, 1, 0], [-half, 0, half]]) elif lattice_symbol == 'C': lattrans = FracVector.create([[half, half, 0], [-half, half, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) elif lattice_symbol == 'F': # or lattice_symbol == 'A' or lattice_symbol == 'B' or lattice_symbol == 'C': lattrans = FracVector.create([[half, 0, half], [half, half, 0], [0, half, half]]) elif lattice_symbol == 'I': lattrans = FracVector.create([[half, half, half], [-half, half, half], [-half, -half, half]]) elif crystal_system == 'monoclinic': if lattice_symbol == 'A': lattrans = FracVector.create([[1, 0, 0], [0, half, -half], [0, half, half]]) if lattice_symbol == 'B': lattrans = FracVector.create([[half, 0, -half], [0, 1, 0], [half, 0, half]]) if lattice_symbol == 'C': lattrans = FracVector.create([[half, -half, 0], [half, half, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) elif crystal_system == 'triclinic': lattrans = unit else: raise Exception("structureutils.get_primitive_basis_transform: unknown crystal system, "+str(crystal_system)) if lattrans is None: raise Exception("structureutils.get_primitive_basis_transform: no match for lattice transform.") return lattrans
# def get_primitive_basis_transform(hall_symbol, niggli_matrix): # half = Fraction(1, 2) # lattice_symbol = hall_symbol.lstrip("-")[0][0] # crystal_system = crystal_system_from_hall(hall_symbol) # # lattrans = None # unit = FracVector.create([[1, 0, 0], # [0, 1, 0], # [0, 0, 1]]) # # if crystal_system == 'cubic': # if lattice_symbol == 'P': # lattrans = unit # elif lattice_symbol == 'F': # lattrans = FracVector.create([[half, half, 0], # [half, 0, half], # [0, half, half]]) # elif lattice_symbol == 'I': # lattrans = FracVector.create([[half, half, half], # [-half, half, half], # [-half, -half, half]]) # elif (crystal_system == 'hexagonal' or crystal_system == 'trigonal'): # if lattice_symbol == 'P': # # Conventional cell should already be primitive hexagonal one # lattrans = unit # elif lattice_symbol == 'R': # # Conventional cell should already be primitive rhombohedral one # lattrans = unit # # elif crystal_system == 'tetragonal': # if lattice_symbol == 'P': # lattrans = unit # elif lattice_symbol == 'I': # lattrans = FracVector.create([[half, -half, half], # [half, half, half], # [-half, -half, half]]) # elif crystal_system == 'orthorhombic': # if lattice_symbol == 'P': # lattrans = unit # elif lattice_symbol == 'B': # lattrans = FracVector.create([[half, half, 0], # [-half, half, 0], # [0, 0, 1]]) # elif lattice_symbol == 'F' or lattice_symbol == 'A' or lattice_symbol == 'B' or lattice_symbol == 'C': # lattrans = FracVector.create([[half, 0, half], # [half, half, 0], # [0, half, half]]) # elif lattice_symbol == 'I': # lattrans = FracVector.create([[half, half, half], # [-half, half, half], # [-half, -half, half]]) # # elif crystal_system == 'monoclinic': # if lattice_symbol == 'P': # lattrans = unit # elif lattice_symbol == 'B': # lattrans = FracVector.create([[half, 0, -half], # [0, 1, 0], # [half, 0, half]]) # # elif crystal_system == 'triclinic': # lattrans = unit # # else: # raise Exception("structureutils.get_primitive_basis_transform: unknown crystal system, "+str(crystal_system)) # # if lattrans is None: # raise Exception("structureutils.get_primitive_basis_transform: no match for lattice transform.") # # return lattrans # Imported from cif2cell by Torbjörn Björkman, and heavily modified # def get_primitive_basis_transform(basis, hall_symbol, eps=0.001): # basis = FracVector.use(basis) # niggli, orientation = basis_to_niggli(basis) # length, angles = niggli_to_lengths_angles(niggli) # a, b, c = length # alpha, beta, gamma = angles # # zero = Fraction(0) # half = Fraction(1, 2) # one = Fraction(1) # third = Fraction(1, 3) # lattice_symbol = hall_symbol.lstrip("-")[0][0] # system = crystal_system_from_hall(hall_symbol) # # if lattice_symbol == 'I': # # Body centered # #transvecs = [FracVector.create([zero, zero, zero]), # # FracVector.create([half, half, half])] # if system == 'cubic': # lattrans = FracVector.create([[-half, half, half], # [half, -half, half], # [half, half, -half]]) # else: # lattrans = FracVector.create([[one, zero, zero], # [zero, one, zero], # [half, half, half]]) # elif lattice_symbol == 'F': # # face centered # #transvecs = [FracVector.create([zero, zero, zero]), # # FracVector.create([half, half, zero]), # # FracVector.create([half, zero, half]), # # FracVector.create([zero, half, half])] # lattrans = FracVector.create([[half, half, zero], # [half, zero, half], # [zero, half, half]]) # elif lattice_symbol == 'A': # # A-centered # #transvecs = [FracVector.create([zero, zero, zero]), # # FracVector.create([zero, half, half])] # lattrans = FracVector.create([[one, zero, zero], # [zero, half, -half], # [zero, half, half]]) # elif lattice_symbol == 'B': # # B-centered # #transvecs = [FracVector.create([zero, zero, zero]), # # FracVector.create([half, zero, half])] # lattrans = FracVector.create([[half, zero, -half], # [zero, one, zero], # [half, zero, half]]) # elif lattice_symbol == 'C': # # C-centered # #transvecs = [FracVector.create([zero, zero, zero]), # # FracVector.create([half, half, zero])] # lattrans = FracVector.create([[half, -half, zero], # [half, half, zero], # [zero, zero, one]]) # #elif hall_symbol in Hex2RhombHall or hall_symbol in Rhomb2HexHall: # #elif hall_symbol in Hex2RhombHall or hall_symbol in Rhomb2HexHall: # #if hall_symbol in Rhomb2HexHall and abs(gamma - 120) > eps: # # rhomb2hextrans = FracVector.create([[2*third, third, third], # # [-third, third, third], # # [-third, -2*third, third]]) # #else: # # rhomb2hextrans = 1 # #if abs(gamma - 120) < eps: # # # rhombohedral from hexagonal setting # # # rhombohedral = True # # # transvecs = [FracVector.create([zero, zero, zero]), # # # FracVector.create([third, 2*third, 2*third]), # # # FracVector.create([2*third, third, third])] # # lattrans = FracVector.create([[2*third, third, third], # # [-third, third, third], # # [-third, -2*third, third]]) # #else: # # #transvecs = [FracVector.create([zero, zero, zero])] # # lattrans = FracVector.create([[1, 0, 0], # # [0, 1, 0], # # [0, 0, 1]]) # #lattrans = lattrans*rhomb2hextrans # else: # #transvecs = [FracVector.create([zero, zero, zero])] # lattrans = FracVector.create([[1, 0, 0], # [0, 1, 0], # [0, 0, 1]]) # # Transform to primitive cell # return lattrans
[docs]def transform(structure, transformation, max_search_cells=20, max_atoms=1000): transformation = FracVector.use(transformation).simplify() #if transformation.denom != 1: # raise Exception("Structure.transform requires integer transformation matrix") old_cell = structure.uc_cell new_cell = Cell.create(basis=transformation*old_cell.basis) conversion_matrix = (old_cell.basis*new_cell.inv).simplify() volume_ratio = abs((new_cell.basis.det()/abs(old_cell.basis.det()))).simplify() seek_counts = [int((volume_ratio*x).simplify()) for x in structure.uc_counts] #print "HMM",(new_cell.basis.det()/old_cell.basis.det()).simplify() #print "SEEK_COUNTS",seek_counts, volume_ratio, structure.uc_counts, transformation total_seek_counts = sum(seek_counts) if total_seek_counts > max_atoms: raise Exception("Structure.transform: more than "+str(max_atoms)+" needed. Change limit with max_atoms parameter.") #if max_search_cells != None and maxvec[0]*maxvec[1]*maxvec[2] > max_search_cells: # raise Exception("Very obtuse angles in cell, to search over all possible lattice vectors will take a very long time. To force, set max_search_cells = None when calling find_prototypeid()") ### Collect coordinate list of all sites inside the new cell coordgroups = structure.uc_reduced_coordgroups extendedcoordgroups = [[] for x in range(len(coordgroups))] if max_search_cells is not None: max_search = [max_search_cells, max_search_cells, max_search_cells] else: max_search = None for offset in breath_first_idxs(dim=3, end=max_search, negative=True): #print "X",offset, seek_counts for idx in range(len(coordgroups)): coordgroup = coordgroups[idx] newcoordgroup = coordgroup+FracVector([offset]*len(coordgroup)) new_reduced = newcoordgroup*conversion_matrix #print "NEW:",FracVector.use(new_reduced).to_floats(), new_reduced = [x for x in new_reduced if x[0] >= 0 and x[1] >= 0 and x[2] >= 0 and x[0] < 1 and x[1] < 1 and x[2] < 1] extendedcoordgroups[idx] += new_reduced c = len(new_reduced) seek_counts[idx] -= c total_seek_counts -= c #print "ADD",str(c) if seek_counts[idx] < 0: #print "X",offset, seek_counts raise Exception("Structure.transform safety check error, internal error: too many atoms in supercell.") if total_seek_counts == 0: break else: raise Exception("Very obtuse angles in cell, to search over all possible lattice vectors will take a very long time. To force, set max_search_cells = None when calling find_prototypeid()") return structure.create(uc_reduced_coordgroups=extendedcoordgroups, uc_basis=new_cell.basis, assignments=structure.assignments)
[docs]def main(): cell = FracVector.create([[1, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1]]) coordgroups = FracVector.create([[[2, 3, 5], [3, 5, 4]], [[4, 6, 7]]]) assignments = [2, 5] print cell, coordgroups cell, coordgroups = coordswap(0, 2, cell, coordgroups) print cell, coordgroups pass
if __name__ == "__main__": main()