Source code for httk.atomistic.representativesites

#    The high-throughput toolkit (httk)
#    Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Rickard Armiento
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
import sys
from httk.core import HttkObject, FracVector
from httk.core.basic import is_sequence, int_to_anonymous_symbol
from spacegroup import Spacegroup
from sitesutils import *
from httk.core.httkobject import HttkObject, httk_typed_init, httk_typed_property
from sites import Sites
from unitcellsites import UnitcellSites
from httk.atomistic.spacegrouputils import crystal_system_from_hall, lattice_symbol_from_hall, lattice_system_from_hall

[docs]class RepresentativeSites(Sites): """ Represents any collection of sites in a unitcell """ @httk_typed_init({'reduced_coords': (FracVector, 0, 3), 'counts': [int], 'hall_symbol': str, 'pbc': (bool, 1, 3), 'wyckoff_symbols': [str], 'multiplicities': [int]}, index=['counts', 'hall_symbol', 'pbc', 'wyckoff_symbols', 'wyckoff_sequence', 'anonymous_wyckoff_sequence']) def __init__(self, reduced_coordgroups=None, cartesian_coordgroups=None, reduced_coords=None, cartesian_coords=None, counts=None, hall_symbol=None, pbc=None, wyckoff_symbols=None, multiplicities=None): """ Private constructor, as per httk coding guidelines. Use Sites.create instead. """ super(RepresentativeSites, self).__init__(reduced_coordgroups=reduced_coordgroups, reduced_coords=reduced_coords, counts=counts, hall_symbol=hall_symbol, pbc=pbc) self.wyckoff_symbols = wyckoff_symbols self.multiplicities = multiplicities #TODO: Recreate multiplicities (and perhaps also wyckoff_symbols) if those are not given in construction
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, sites=None, reduced_coordgroups=None, reduced_coords=None, counts=None, spacegroup=None, hall_symbol=None, spacegroupnumber=None, setting=None, periodicity=None, wyckoff_symbols=None, multiplicities=None, occupancies=None, pbc=None): sites = super(RepresentativeSites, cls).create(sites=sites, reduced_coordgroups=reduced_coordgroups, reduced_coords=reduced_coords, counts=counts, spacegroup=spacegroup, hall_symbol=hall_symbol, spacegroupnumber=spacegroupnumber, setting=setting, periodicity=periodicity, occupancies=occupancies) #sites.wyckoff_symbols = wyckoff_symbols #sites._multiplicity = multiplicity #return sites return cls(reduced_coordgroups=sites.reduced_coordgroups, reduced_coords=sites.reduced_coords, counts=sites.counts, hall_symbol=sites.hall_symbol, pbc=sites.pbc, wyckoff_symbols=wyckoff_symbols, multiplicities=multiplicities)
# Comment: I thought the Wyckoff labels could be seen as derivable from the spacegroup + coodinates, but this is actually # not so simple. First, it really requires understanding of the accuracy of the coordinates (or else, they'd be incorrectly determined). # also, at least ISOTROPY's FINDSYM requires you to first fill the cell, which isn't implemented in a foolproof way yet in httk. # but... this means one MUST KNOW the Wyckoff labels at the time of creation of this object. # @httk_typed_property([str]) # def wyckoff_symbols(self): # if self._wyckoff_symbols == None: # sys.stderr.write("Warning: need to run symmetry finder. This may take a while.\n") # coordgroups, wyckoff_symbols, reorder = structure_reduced_coordgroups_to_representative(self.reduced_coordgroups,self.normalized_cellobj,self.hall_symbol) # new_wyckoff_symbols = [] # for i in range(len(reorder)): # for j in range(len(reorder[i])): # new_wyckoff_symbols += [wyckoff_symbols[i]]*len(self.reduced_coordgroups[j]) # self._wyckoff_symbols = wyckoff_symbols # return self._wyckoff_symbols # @httk_typed_property([int]) # def multiplicities(self): # #if self._multiplicities is None: # # raise Exception("Representativesites.multiplicities: Not yet implemented getting multiplicities when not given.") # return self._multiplicities @httk_typed_property(str) def anonymous_wyckoff_sequence(self): if self.wyckoff_symbols is None: return None data = {} idx = 0 for i in range(len(self.counts)): for j in range(self.counts[i]): #print "HERE",self.wyckoff_symbols,idx,i,j wsymb = self.wyckoff_symbols[idx] if wsymb == '&': wsymb = 'zz' key = (wsymb, i) if key in data: data[key] = (wsymb, data[key][1]+1, i) else: data[key] = (wsymb, 1, i) idx += 1 sortedcounts = sorted(data.values()) symbol = "" seen = {} for i in range(len(sortedcounts)): if sortedcounts[i][2] in seen: s = seen[sortedcounts[i][2]] else: s = len(seen) seen[sortedcounts[i][2]] = s wsymb = sortedcounts[i][0] if wsymb == 'zz': wsymb = '&' symbol += str(sortedcounts[i][1])+wsymb+int_to_anonymous_symbol(s) return symbol @httk_typed_property(str) def wyckoff_sequence(self): if self.wyckoff_symbols is None: return None seen = {} for symbol in self.wyckoff_symbols: if symbol in seen: seen[symbol] += 1 else: seen[symbol] = 1 sortedsymbs = sorted(seen.keys()) out = "" for symbol in sortedsymbs: if seen[symbol] > 1: out += symbol+str(seen[symbol]) else: out += symbol #print "OUT",out,sortedsymbs,seen #exit(0) return out @property def total_number_of_atoms(self): return sum(self._multiplicities)
[docs] def get_uc_sites(self): filled_reduced_coordgroups = coordgroups_reduced_to_unitcell(self.reduced_coordgroups, self.hall_symbol) return UnitcellSites.create(reduced_coordgroups=filled_reduced_coordgroups, pbc=self.pbc)
[docs] def clean(self): c = super(RepresentativeSites, self).clean() return self.__class__(reduced_coords=c.reduced_coords, counts=c.counts, hall_symbol=self.hall_symbol, pbc=c.pbc, wyckoff_symbols=self.wyckoff_symbols, multiplicities=self.multiplicities)
@httk_typed_property(str) def lattice_symbol(self): return lattice_symbol_from_hall(self.hall_symbol) @property def lattice_system(self): return lattice_system_from_hall(self.hall_symbol) @httk_typed_property(str) def crystal_system(self): return crystal_system_from_hall(self.hall_symbol)
[docs] def tidy(self): return sites_tidy(self)
def __str__(self): return "<RepresentativeSites:\n"+"\n".join(["".join([" %.8f %.8f %.8f\n" % (x[0], x[1], x[2]) for x in y]) for y in self.reduced_coordgroups.to_floats()])+">"
[docs]def main(): pass
if __name__ == "__main__": main()