Source code for httk.httkweb.templateengine_httk

#    The high-throughput toolkit (httk)
#    Copyright (C) 2012-2018 Rickard Armiento
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

# Closely inspired from

from __future__ import print_function
import string, os, sys, codecs
import inspect

# Retain python2 compatibility without a dependency on httk.core
if sys.version[0] == "2":
    # Note:
    # The "html" module is not a builtin in Python 2.
    # If it happens to be installed, we still do not
    # want to use it since it is old (last updated in 2011,
    # version 1.16). Use the builtin cgi module to get the
    # escape funtion instead.

    from cgi import escape
    from html import escape

from httk.httkweb.helpers import UnquotedStr

[docs]class HttkTemplateFormatter(string.Formatter):
[docs] def format_field(self, value, spec, quote=None, args = None, kwargs = None): if spec == 'unquoted' or spec.startswith('unquoted:'): output = self.format_field(value, spec[len('unquoted::'):],quote=False, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) return output elif spec == 'quote' or spec.startswith('quote:'): output = self.format_field(value, spec[len('quote::'):],quote=True, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) return output elif spec.startswith('repeat:'): template = spec.partition('::')[-1] new_kwargs = dict(kwargs) if kwargs is not None else {} if 'item' in new_kwargs: new_kwargs['items'] = [new_kwargs['item']] + new_kwargs['items'] if 'items' in new_kwargs else [] if 'index' in new_kwargs: new_kwargs['indices'] = [new_kwargs['index']] + new_kwargs['indices'] if 'indices' in new_kwargs else [] def update_and_return(update): new_kwargs.update(update) return new_kwargs if type(value) is dict: return ''.join([self.format(template,**(update_and_return({'item':value[i], 'index':i}))) for i in value]) else: return ''.join([self.format(template,**(update_and_return({'item':value[i], 'index':i}))) for i in range(len(value))]) elif spec == 'call' or spec.startswith('call:'): callargs, _sep, newspec = spec.partition("::") callargs = callargs.split(":") callargs = [self.get_field(x[1:-1],quote=quote,args=args,kwargs=kwargs)[0] if (x.startswith('{') and x.endswith('}')) else x for x in callargs] result = value(*callargs[1:]) return self.format_field(result, newspec, quote=quote, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) elif spec.startswith('getitem:') or spec.startswith('getattr:'): x, _dummy, newspec = spec.partition(':')[2].partition('::') idx = self.get_field(x[1:-1],args=args,kwargs=kwargs)[0] if (x.startswith('{') and x.endswith('}')) else x try: val = value[idx] if spec.startswith('getitem:') else getattr(value,idx) except TypeError: try: val = value[int(idx)] if spec.startswith('getitem:') else '' except TypeError: return '' # TODO: Check if the unicode conversion really is necessary here, # or if we can make sure val is always unicode. if newspec == '': return unicode_type(val) else: return self.format_field(val, newspec, quote=quote, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) elif spec.startswith('if:') or spec.startswith('if-not:') or spec.startswith('if-set:') or spec.startswith('if-unset:'): outcome = (spec.startswith('if:') and value) or (spec.startswith('if-not:') and not value) or (spec.startswith('if-set:') and value is not None) or (spec.startswith('if-unset:') and value is None) if not outcome: return '' template = spec.partition('::')[-1] return self.format(template, **kwargs) elif value==None: return "" else: output = super(HttkTemplateFormatter, self).format_field(value, spec) if quote is None: try: if isinstance(value,UnquotedStr): quote = False else: quote = True except TypeError: quote = True if quote and (not hasattr(self,'quote') or self.quote == True): output = escape(output,quote=True) #output = output.replace(":", "&#58;") output = output.replace("'", "&apos;") #if type(value) != unicode and type(value) != str: # return output + "("+str(type(value))+":"+str(quote)+":"+str(e)+")" #else: return output
[docs] def get_field(self, field_name, args, kwargs): # Handle a key not found # In Python 3 the 'menuitems' field_name should be 'menuitems-list'? # if six.PY3: # if field_name == "menuitems": # field_name = "menuitems-list" try: val = super(HttkTemplateFormatter, self).get_field(field_name, args, kwargs) # if six.PY3: # if val[0] == "i": # val = ("index", field_name) # Python 3, 'super().get_field(field_name, args, kwargs)' works except (KeyError, AttributeError): val = None, field_name return val
[docs] def vformat(self, format_string, args, kwargs, used_args=None, recursion_depth=None): if used_args is None: used_args = set() result = self.vformat(format_string, args, kwargs, used_args, 10) self.check_unused_args(used_args, args, kwargs) return result else: if recursion_depth < 0: raise ValueError('Max string recursion exceeded') result = [] for literal_text, field_name, format_spec, conversion in \ self.parse(format_string): # output the literal text if literal_text: result.append(literal_text) # if there's a field, output it if field_name is not None: # this is some markup, find the object and do # the formatting # given the field_name, find the object it references # and the argument it came from obj, arg_used = self.get_field(field_name, args, kwargs) used_args.add(arg_used) # do any conversion on the resulting object obj = self.convert_field(obj, conversion) # expand the format spec, if needed format_spec = self.vformat(format_spec, args, kwargs, used_args, recursion_depth-1) # format the object and append to the result result.append(self.format_field(obj, format_spec, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)) return ''.join(result)
[docs]class TemplateEngineHttk(object): def __init__(self, template_dir, template_filename, base_template_filename = None): self.template_dir = template_dir self.template_filename = template_filename self.filename = os.path.join(template_dir, template_filename) self.dependency_filenames = [self.filename] if base_template_filename is not None: self.base_filename = os.path.join(self.template_dir, base_template_filename) self.dependency_filenames += [self.base_filename] else: self.base_filename = None self.httk_tf = HttkTemplateFormatter()
[docs] def apply(self, content = None, data = None, *subcontent): if data == None: data = {} else: data = dict(data) = data with,encoding='utf-8') as f: template = data['content'] = content data['subcontent'] = subcontent output = self.httk_tf.format(template, **data) if self.base_filename is not None: with, encoding='utf-8') as f: base_template = data['content'] = UnquotedStr(output) del data['subcontent'] output = self.httk_tf.format(base_template, **data) return output
[docs] def get_dependency_filenames(self): return self.dependency_filenames
# data = dict(self.global_data) # data['content'] = page._rendered_content # if hasattr(page,_rendered_subcontent) and page._rendered_subcontent is not None: # data['subcontent'] = page._rendered_subcontent # content = self.httk_tf.format(template,data) # data['content'] = content # del data['subcontent'] # return self.httk_tf.format(base_template,data) if __name__ == "__main__": tf = HttkTemplateFormatter() # Turn off auto-quoting tf.quote = False class ExampleStrRepr(object): def __str__(self): return 'str' def __repr__(self): return 'repr' class ExampleAttribute(object): x = 'tree' y = [{'i':'one', 'j':'two'},'z'] class ExampleFormatter(object): def __format__(self, f): if (f == 'test'): return "This is an ExampleFormatter test" return 'I am the ExampleFormatter' # Many examples adapted from print("== Simple strings") print(tf.format("Strings: '{a}' '{b}'",a="one", b="two")) print(tf.format("Align: '{a:>10}' '{a:10}' '{a:_<10}' '{a:^10}'",a='test')) print(tf.format("Truncate: '{a:.10}'",a='this string is too long')) print(tf.format("Truncate and pad: '{a:20.10}'",a='this string is too long')) print(tf.format("Str or repr: '{0!s}' '{0!r}' '{0}'",ExampleStrRepr())) from datetime import datetime print(tf.format("Std class support: '{a:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M}'",a=datetime(2010,1,2,3,4))) print(tf.format("Own Class support: '{a:test}' '{a}'",a=ExampleFormatter())) print("== Simple numbers") print(tf.format("Integers: '{a}' '{a:d}'",a=42)) print(tf.format("Floats: '{a:f}'",a=3.141592653589793)) print(tf.format("Number padding:'{a:06.2f}'",a=3.141592653589793)) print(tf.format("Sign: '{a:+d}' '{b:+d}' '{a:=+5d}'",a=42,b=-42)) print("== Element access") print(tf.format("Dicts: '{a[one]}' '{a[two]}'",a={'one':'1', 'two':'2'})) print(tf.format("Lists: '{a[1]}' '{a[2]}'",a=[1,2,3,4,5])) print(tf.format("Attributes: '{a.x}'",a=ExampleAttribute)) print(tf.format("Combitations: '{a.y[0][i]}'",a=ExampleAttribute)) print("== Parameterization") print(tf.format("Alignment and width: '{a:{align}{width}}'".format(a='test', align='^', width='10'))) print(tf.format("Precision: '{a:.{prec}} = {b:.{prec}f}'".format(a='Test', b=2.7182, prec=3))) print(tf.format("Embedded: '{a:{prec}} = {b:{prec}}'".format(a='Long text here', b=2.7182, prec='.3'))) print(tf.format("Width and precision: '{:{width}.{prec}f}'".format(2.7182, width=5, prec=2))) print(tf.format("Embedded class: '{a:{dfmt} {tfmt}}'".format(a=datetime(2010,1,2,3,4), dfmt='%Y-%m-%d', tfmt='%H:%M'))) print("********** Functionality from superformatter (with a slight format change for repeat) **************") print(tf.format("Loops: '{chapters:repeat::Chapter {{item}}, }'", chapters=["I", "II", "III", "IV"])) print(tf.format("Calls: '{name.upper:call}'", name="eric")) print(tf.format("Tests: '{t:if:hello}' '{f:if:hello}' '{name:if:hello}' '{empty:if:hello}'", name="eric", empty="", t=True, f=False)) print(tf.format("Test and nesting: 'Action: Back / Logout {manager:if:/ Delete {id}}'", manager=True, id=34)) print("********** New functionality here **************") # Hint: escaped {{ }} are needed to call varibale contents inside nested formatting, which always occur after ::, # (If used without nesting, then the content is replaced on the level above, which, e.g., does not contain the item from a loop.) print("== Loops") print(tf.format("Indexed loops: '{chapters:repeat::Chapter {{index}}={{item}},}'", chapters=["I", "II", "III", "IV"])) print(tf.format("Nested loops: '{l:repeat::{{k:repeat::{{{{item}}}}({{item}})}}, }'", l=[1,2,3,4],k=["a","b","c","d"])) print(tf.format("Nested formatting: '{b:repeat:: {{a:.{{item}}f}},}'", a=3.141592653589793, b=["2","4","8","16"])) print() print("== Indirection") print(tf.format("Item access indirection: '{a:getitem:{b}}' '{c:getitem:{d}}'",a={'x':1, 'y':2}, b='x', c=["0","1","2","3"], d=2)) print(tf.format("Attribute access indirection: '{a:getattr:{b}}'",a=ExampleAttribute, b='x')) print(tf.format("Attribute access indirection with formatting: '{a:getattr:{b}::>10}'",a=ExampleAttribute, b='x')) print() print("== Calls") print(tf.format("Calls with args: '{name.rstrip:call:,four}'", name="one,two,three,four")) print(tf.format("Calls with formatting: '{name.rstrip:call:,four::>20}'", name="one,two,three,four")) print(tf.format("Calls with argument indirection: '{name.rstrip:call:{remove}::>20}'", name="one,two,three,four", remove=",four")) print() print("== Conditionals") print(tf.format("With formatting: '{t:if::hello {{name:>10}}}'", name="eric", empty="", t=True, f=False)) print(tf.format("Negation: '{t:if-not::hello}' '{f:if-not::hello}'", empty="", t=True, f=False)) print(tf.format("Unset: '{empty:if::hello}' '{empty:if-unset::hello}' '{empty:if-set::hello}' '{unset:if-unset::hello}'", empty="")) print() print("== Advanced") print(tf.format("Item access indirection inside loops: '{a:repeat:: {{a:getitem:{{{{index}}}}}}}'",a=[5,6,7,8])) print() print("== Quoting") tf.quote = True print(tf.format("Autoquoting: '{a}'",a="<i need to be quoted, \"indeed\" said the cat's hat>")) print(tf.format("Avoid quoting: '{a:unquoted}'",a="<i need to be quoted, \"indeed\" said the cat's hat>")) print(tf.format("Quoting + formatting: '{a:unquoted::>70}'",a="<i need to be quoted, \"indeed\" said the cat's hat>")) print(tf.format("Unquoted string: '{a} '",a=UnquotedStr("<i need to be quoted, \"indeed\" said the cat's hat>"))) print(tf.format("Overriding unquoted string: '{a:quote}'",a=UnquotedStr("<i need to be quoted, \"indeed\" said the cat's hat>")))