Source code for httk.httkweb.render_httk

#    The high-throughput toolkit (httk)
#    Copyright (C) 2012-2018 Rickard Armiento
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from __future__ import print_function
import os, sys, re, pprint, unicodedata, codecs

# Retain python2 compatibility without a dependency on httk.core
if sys.version[0] == "2":
    # Note:
    # The "html" module is not a builtin in Python 2.
    # If it happens to be installed, we still do not
    # want to use it since it is old (last updated in 2011,
    # version 1.16). Use the builtin cgi module to get the
    # escape funtion instead.

    from cgi import escape

    from StringIO import StringIO
    import ConfigParser as configparser
    from html import escape

    from io import StringIO
    import configparser

[docs]class RenderHttk(object): left_punctuation_chars = "'[({<:\"; -" right_punctuation_chars = "]')}>:,!.?\"; -" #left_punctuation_chars_quotes = "\\'\\(\\[\\{\\<:-\\\"; " #right_punctuation_chars_quotes = "'\\)\\]\\}\\>:,-\\!\\.\\?\\\"; " adornment_chars = ['!','"','#','$','%','&',"'",'(',')','*','+',',','-','.','/',':',';','<','=','>','?','@','[',"\\",']','^','_','`','{','|','}','~'] bullet_item_markers = ['- ', '* ', '+ '] option_list_characters = ['-','/'] def __init__(self, render_dir, render_filename, global_data): self.render_dir = render_dir self.render_filename = render_filename self.filename = os.path.join(render_dir, render_filename) with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: source = self.global_data = global_data if render_dir != '': owd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(render_dir) try: self.split_content(source) finally: if render_dir != '': os.chdir(owd)
[docs] def make_id(self, s): s = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', s).encode('ascii','ignore').decode('utf-8') s = s.lower() s = s.replace(' ', '_') #s = re.sub('[^0-9a-zA-Z_]', '', s) #s = re.sub('^[^a-zA-Z_]+', '', s) return s
[docs] def rst_light_html_renderer(self, content): outstr = '' for entry in content: if entry['type'] == 'section': modifiers = [x['name'] for x in entry['modifiers']] modifiers += ['section'] outstr += '<div id="'+self.make_id(entry['title'])+'" class="'+(' '.join(modifiers))+'">' end_div_tag = '</div>\n' outstr += '<h'+str(entry['level']+1)+'>'+entry['title']+'</h'+str(entry['level']+1)+">\n" outstr += self.rst_light_html_renderer(entry['content']) outstr += end_div_tag elif entry['type'] == 'transition': outstr += '<hr class="docutils"/>' elif entry['type'] == 'textblock': modifiers = [x['name'] for x in entry['modifiers']] if len(entry['modifiers'])>0: outstr += '<p class="'+(' '.join(modifiers))+'">' end_p_tag = '</p>\n' else: outstr += '<p>' end_p_tag = '</p>\n' for segment in entry['content']: endtag = '\n' modifiers = [x['name'] for x in segment['modifiers']] if 'literal' in modifiers: modifiers.remove('literal') outstr += '<tt class="docutils literal">' outstr += segment['content'] outstr += '</tt>' continue if 'strong' in modifiers: modifiers.remove('strong') outstr += '<strong>' endtag = '</strong>' + endtag if 'emphasis' in modifiers: modifiers.remove('emphasis') outstr += '<em>' endtag = '</em>' + endtag if 'link' in modifiers: modifiers.remove('link') outstr += '<a class="reference external" href="'+segment['url']+'">' endtag = '</a>'+endtag if 'anchor' in modifiers: modifiers.remove('anchor') outstr += '<a class="reference internal" href="#'+segment['anchor']+'">' endtag = '</a>'+endtag if len(modifiers)>0: if 'role' in modifiers: modifiers.remove('role') outstr += '<span class="'+(' '.join(modifiers + [segment['role']]))+'">' else: outstr += '<span class="'+(' '.join(modifiers))+'">' endtag = '</span>' + endtag outstr += escape(segment['content']).encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace').decode('utf-8') outstr += endtag outstr += end_p_tag return outstr
[docs] def rst_light_parse_textstyle(self, content, start_marker, end_marker, style, allow_nested = False, unescape=True, handle_roles = False, handle_hyperlinks = False): # Quote start_marker = re.escape(start_marker) end_marker = re.escape(end_marker) outcontent = [] for segment in content: segment_text = segment['content'] if len(segment['modifiers'])==0 or allow_nested: role = False link = False #try: #print("REGEX",segment_text) found = re.finditer('(?P<start>['+self.left_punctuation_chars+']|^)(?P<role>:[^:]+:)?'+start_marker+'(?P<content>.+?)(?P<url> +<[^>]+>)?'+end_marker+'(?P<link>_?)(?P<end>['+self.right_punctuation_chars+']|$)',segment_text) #except Exception: # print("RE ERROR",repr('(['+self.left_punctuation_chars+']|^)(:[^:]+:)?'+start_marker+'(.+?)( # +<[^>]+>)?'+end_marker+'(_?)(['+self.right_punctuation_chars+']|$)')) # print("STRING",segment_text) # raise end_idx = 0 for m in found: start ='start') if'start') is not None else '' role ='role')[1:-1] if'role') is not None else '' content ='content') if'content') is not None else '' url ='url').lstrip(" <").rstrip(">") if'url') is not None else '' link ='link') if'link') is not None else '' end ='end') if'end') is not None else '' #print("MATCH:",start,'|',role,'|',content,'|',url,'|',link,'|',end) start_idx = m.start() # Text role if handle_roles and role != '' and link == '': #print("TEXT ROLE") before_text = segment_text[end_idx:start_idx]+start outcontent += [{'content':before_text,'modifiers':segment['modifiers'],'unescape':segment['unescape']}] outcontent += [{'content':content+url,'role':role,'modifiers':segment['modifiers'] + [{'name':'role'}], 'unescape':unescape and segment['unescape']}] # Hyperlink elif handle_hyperlinks and role == '' and link != '': #print("HYPERLINK") before_text = segment_text[end_idx:start_idx]+start+role outcontent += [{'content':before_text,'modifiers':segment['modifiers'],'unescape':segment['unescape']}] if url == '': outcontent += [{'content':content,'anchor':self.make_id(content),'modifiers':segment['modifiers'] + [{'name':'anchor'}], 'unescape':unescape and segment['unescape']}] else: outcontent += [{'content':content,'url':url,'modifiers':segment['modifiers'] + [{'name':'link'}], 'unescape':unescape and segment['unescape']}] # Error condition, if it isn't a hyperlink but ends with _, reject the m elif handle_hyperlinks and role != '' and link != '': #print("ERROR") continue # Other markup else: #print("OTHER MARKUP", m.start(), start, start,role) before_text = segment_text[end_idx:start_idx]+start+role #print("BEFORE TEXT", before_text) outcontent += [{'content':before_text,'modifiers':segment['modifiers'],'unescape':segment['unescape']}] outcontent += [{'content':content + url,'modifiers':segment['modifiers'] + [style], 'unescape':unescape and segment['unescape']}] end_idx = m.end()-len(end) after_text = segment_text[end_idx:] if len(after_text) > 0: outcontent += [{'content':after_text,'modifiers':segment['modifiers'],'unescape':segment['unescape']}] else: outcontent += [{'content':segment['content'], 'modifiers':segment['modifiers'], 'unescape':segment['unescape']}] return outcontent
[docs] def rst_light_parser(self, source): adornment_levels = [] fifo = [] content = [] section_hierarcy = [] context = content block_modifiers = [] align_hierarcy = [] last_align = 0 align = 0 last_list_index = None # Divide text into sections, add an empty line to make sure last textblock is terminated for line in source.splitlines() + [""]: fifo += [line] section_title = None adornment = None # Detect section header with over and underline if len(fifo) == 3: line1, line2, line3 = fifo[0].rstrip(), fifo[1].rstrip(), fifo[2].rstrip() if len(line1) == len(line3) and len(line1) > 0 and line1 == len(line1) * line1[0] and line3 == len(line1) * line1[0] and line1[0] in self.adornment_chars: section_title = line2.strip() adornment = line1[0] + line1[0] # Detect section header with over and underline elif len(fifo) == 2: line1, line2 = fifo[-2].rstrip(), fifo[-1].rstrip() if len(line1) == len(line2) and len(line2) > 0 and line2 == len(line2) * line2[0]: section_title = line1.rstrip() adornment = line2[0] # Handle titles if section_title is not None: if adornment not in adornment_levels: adornment_levels += [adornment] level = adornment_levels.index(adornment) #section_hierarcy = section_hierarcy[:-(len(section_hierarcy)-level)] context = [] section = {'type':'section','level':level, 'title':section_title, 'content':context, 'modifiers':block_modifiers} block_modifiers = [] while len(section_hierarcy) > 0 and section_hierarcy[-1]['level'] >= level: section_hierarcy = section_hierarcy[:-1] if len(section_hierarcy) > 0: section_hierarcy[-1]['content'] += [section] else: content += [section] section_hierarcy += [section] fifo = [] continue # Handle other blocks last_align = align if len(fifo[-1].strip()) > 0: align = len(fifo[-1]) - len(fifo[-1].lstrip(' ')) if align > last_align: skip = False # Class if fifo[0][:3] == ".. ": skip = True # Bullet item if fifo[0][:2] in self.bullet_item_markers: skip = True # Numbered list item if fifo[0][:2] == '#. ' or (fifo[0][0].isdigit() and fifo[0].lstrip("0123456789") == '. '): list_index = int(fifo[0].partition('. ')[0]) if last_list_index != None: if list_index == last_list_index+1: skip = True else: skip = True if len(fifo) == 2: # Field list if fifo[0][0] == ':' and fifo[0][-1] == ':': skip = True # Definition list else: skip = True # Option lists not yet supported # Literal block not yet supported # Line blocks not yet supported # Doctest blocks not supported # Tables not supported # Footnotes not supported # Citations not supported # External separated hyperlinks not supported if skip: continue if len(fifo) >= 2 and len(fifo[-1].strip())==0 or align < last_align: # Transition first_line_strp = fifo[0].strip() if len(fifo) == 2 and len(first_line_strp) >= 4 and first_line_strp == first_line_strp[0]*len(first_line_strp) and not first_line_strp.isalnum(): element = {'type':'transition','modifiers':block_modifiers,'align':align} block_modifiers = [] context += [element] fifo = [] continue # Class if fifo[0][:3] == ".. ": modparts = fifo[0][3:].split("::") modname = modparts[0] if len(modparts) > 1: modargs = modparts[1].split() else: modargs = [] modcontent = fifo[1:-1] if modname != 'class': block_modifiers += [{'name':modname,'args':modargs,'content':modcontent, 'align':align}] else: block_modifiers += [{'name':modargs[0],'args':modargs[1:],'content':modcontent, 'align':align}] fifo = [] continue #elif fifo[0][0:2] in self.bullet_item_markers: # # list_fifo += {} allcontent = (" ".join([x.strip() for x in fifo[:-1]])).strip() allcontent = [{'content':allcontent,'modifiers':[],'unescape':True}] allcontent = self.rst_light_parse_textstyle(allcontent,'``','``',{'name':'literal'},unescape=False) allcontent = self.rst_light_parse_textstyle(allcontent,'**','**',{'name':'strong'}) allcontent = self.rst_light_parse_textstyle(allcontent,'*','*',{'name':'emphasis'}) # Roles and hyperlinks allcontent = self.rst_light_parse_textstyle(allcontent,'`','`',{'name':'literal'}, handle_roles=True, handle_hyperlinks=True) # Unescape for segment in allcontent: if segment['unescape']: segment['content'] = "\\".join(["".join(y) for y in [x.replace("\\ ","").split("\\") for x in segment['content'].split("\\\\")]]) element = {'type':'textblock','content':allcontent,'modifiers':block_modifiers,'align':align} block_modifiers = [] context += [element] fifo = [] continue # Empty block, just ignore if len(fifo) == 1 and len(fifo[-1].strip())==0: fifo = [] continue #print("== RESULT") #pprint.pprint(content) #print("==") return content
[docs] def split_content(self,source): if source.startswith("---"): alt1 = source[3:].find("---") alt2 = source[3:].find("...") if alt1 >= 0: if alt2 >= 0: pos = min(alt1,alt2) else: pos = alt1 elif alt2 > 0: pos = alt2 else: self.metadata_block = '' self.content_block = source return self.metadata_block = source[3:pos+3] self.content_block = self.rst_light_html_renderer(self.rst_light_parser(source[pos+6:])) else: self.metadata_block = '' self.content_block = self.rst_light_html_renderer(self.rst_light(source)) return
[docs] def content(self): return self.content_block
[docs] def metadata(self): md = self.metadata_block buf = StringIO("[main]\n"+md) config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.readfp(buf) d = dict(config.items('main')) # In Python 3 d.keys() is not a list but an iterator, # which means that when we do the deleting of keys and values # below, something gets messed up with the iterator. # Making sure that d.keys() is a list seems to fix the problem. for i in list(d.keys()): if i.endswith("-list"): l = d[i] del d[i] newkey = i[:-len("-list")] d[newkey] = [x.strip() for x in l.split(",")] return d